The safety and efficiency of URGOTOUCH® have been demonstrated through a published clinical study which demonstrates that Urgotouch can reduce the scar volume by up to 53%*

A double blinded clinical study
The 40 participants were not aware of which one of their two scars had been treated with UrgoTouch. Moreover, the two medical evaluators who analysed the scars were different from the surgeons who had performed the surgeries and were thus unaware of which one of the two patients’ scars had been treated with UrgoTouch.

Analysis conducted through a 3D Photos Software
In addition to the clinical evaluations by the investigators, patients’ scars were also analysed by a 3D Photos Software. The scars have shown significant improvement when treated with the laser, in terms of volume, surface and roughness.
The SLASH study was conducted on 40 patients undergoing breast reduction surgery, and each patient had only one horizontal scar treated with UrgoTouch, the other horizontal scar of the other breast remained untreated. Therefore, each patient was its own control, which, given that the biological scarring process varies greatly from a patient to another, was essential to reduce all biaises.
The scars were analysed :
– 3D photo software
– clinical examination by the investigators : the evaluators who analysed the scars (after 14 days, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year) were different from the surgeons who had performed the surgery on the participants and were thus unaware of which one of the two patients’ scars had been treated with UrgoTouch.
– patients : the patients who participated to the study were not aware of the which one of their two scars have been treated with UrgoTouch.
Results :
– Up to 53% of volume reduction in breast reduction scars*, analysed by a 3D photo software.
– Twice as many patients preferring their laser-treated scar as the number of patients preferring their control scar (p = 0.024).




*A 1 Year Follow-up of Post-operative Scars After the Use of a 1210nm Laser Assisted Skin Healing (LASH) Technology: A Randomized Controlled Trial. D.Casanova, ed. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal. Feb 2017 – *Réduction de 53 % observée chez un patient présentant un phototype foncé – La moitié des 80 cicatrices ont été traitées avec UrgoTouch